Monday, November 23, 2009

Jerusalem Flash Mob

The wild and crazy people at Nefesh B'Nefesh, an organization that promotes immigration to Israel, decided that a flash mob was just the thing they needed to kick off their winter advertising campaign. You've got to hand it to them, they are completely outside the box when it comes to Jewish not-for-profit advertising! And only NBN could have pulled it off as they are built around organizing large events that involve hundred of people working on a tight schedule (I'm referring to their massive events when they welcome new immigrants to Israel along with hundreds of waving, screaming, crying people).

So, we scoped out the location a few days before, moved the stage from the bottom of Kikar Tzion to one block up on Ben Yehuda Street, and knocked on a few random doors to get our balcony shot. Friday morning 150 people showed up at 9 am to spend an hour and a half learning a dance, and then we headed to Ben Yehuda to surprise the few people who sit on Ben Yehuda at 11 am on a Friday morning (i.e. homeless people).

I brought 4 cameras, all hand held to keep it "real." One in a balcony, one up front, one roaming around, and one getting audience shots. With only one take, and only 2 minutes of dancing, the stakes were high. Here are the results:

Next time, I'm for sure using 6-8 cameras instead of just 4.... assuming there is a next time on something as weird as this.

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